Family Court Mediator

Your Family Court Mediation Attorney

Court-Ordered Mediation

Mediation is the opportunity to resolve your dispute without the necessity of protracted litigation with its attendant costs of attorney fees, and costs for professional services, which may include but is not limited to counseling, guardian, and other fees. There is a strict adherence to confidentiality between the parties in mediation and the mediator can not be compelled to appear in court to support either party. I have been successful in mediating agreements for my colleagues and in pre-litigation cases that do not involve the court system. 

Non-Court Disputes

Even in cases where mediation is not court-ordered, parties may choose to engage in mediation voluntarily to resolve conflicts and avoid the stress and expense of litigation. Attorney Wendy Pauling Levine offers mediation services for families facing a wide range of disputes, including but not limited to:

  • Custody and visitation disagreements
  • Property division disputes
  • Child support and alimony matters
  • Parenting plan modifications
  • Any other family law-related conflicts

Our Approach

  • Neutral Facilitation: As a trained mediator, Attorney Wendy Pauling Levine is a neutral facilitator, guiding discussions and helping parties explore options for resolution. She remains impartial throughout the mediation process, ensuring fairness and balance.
  • Communication Enhancement: Effective communication is critical to successful mediation. Attorney Wendy Pauling Levine helps parties communicate openly and respectfully, fostering an environment of understanding and cooperation.
  • Creative Problem-Solving: Every family is unique, and Attorney Wendy Pauling Levine tailors her approach to meet each family's specific needs and concerns. She encourages creative problem-solving and works with parties to develop solutions that address their circumstances.

If you are facing a family law dispute and are considering mediation as a means of resolution, don't hesitate to contact WPL Legal and Mediation Services, at 803-750-8971 to schedule a consultation. Attorney Wendy Pauling Levine will explain the mediation process, discuss your options, and help you find a path that meets your needs and goals.

Contact The Law Office of Wendy Pauling Levine at 803-750-8971 to schedule a consultation about family mediation. 

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